Hartford Promise eligibility letters sent to colleges for confirmation.
Summer: July - August
Fee bill submission - Send your fee bill to Sam, Director of Scholarships to [email protected] or your Reaching Forward Coach (contact information for both below).
After reviewing your document as a valid fee all (see examples below). An award amount up to $2,500 will be calculated and issues directly to your college.
Anticipated defferal for $2,500 - this is a common phrase you may see on your fee bill. This essentialy means that we've issued your payment to your college, it has been receieved, and is waititng to be posted to your account. Very similar to a "pending transaction."
Fall Semester
Mid to late Octobers: Final Award payments for Uconn scholars scholarship will be posted to your student financial aid account.
November 15th Deadline for fall fee bills from non-core schools (not including: UConn (all campuses), University of Hartford, University of Saint Joseph's, Eastern & Central Connecticut State University.
Spring February 30th - Deadline for spring balance awards.
Generally your fee bill won't change from fall to spring, unless you transfer, took off the previous semester, change your room&board plan, or another scenario. In this case, send your spring fee bill to one of our team members listed below.
How to submit your fee bill
Send a PDF copy (screen shots will not be accepted) to one of the following team members:
Sam Levine, [email protected] Director of Scholarships for all colleges Hasion Gaston, [email protected] for UConn Storrs & NY Colleges Talia Clarke, [email protected] for University of Saint Joseph's, University of Hartforfd, CCSU & SCSU Sivan Hines [email protected] Senior Director of College Partnerhips University of Hartford, ECSU, Howard, Melissa Paul, [email protected] - Manchester and Capitol Community Colleges, Penn State
Critera for a valid fee bill
A valid fee bill needs to include all of the following:
Name and Student ID #
Financial Aid (Awards, Loans, Grants, other scholarships etc).
Balance Due
Example of a valid fee bill
Example of a non-valid fee bill
I have a balance on my account & I'm considering taking out a loan.
We are a last dollar scholarship paying up to $5,000 per year to be split equally between the fall and spring semesters. Payments cover anything on a Fee bill, so it does not cover things like off-campus housing or books that are not on the Fee bill.
"I don't see Hartford Promise on my fee bill."
If you do not see Hartford Promise on the bill, email the Fee bill toSam/Reaching Forward Coach (marked high priority).
"I have a balance due and there is no financial aid posted”
If you've been selected for FAFSA verification, then there not be any financial aid posted. Please reach out to Sam Levine, Director of Scholarships See
This may happen if you''re undocumented, therefore your college/university does provide aid.